Monday 10 February 2014

Music... Or the Absence of It!

I happened to come across this song today. I was convinced that it is beautiful, when I thought that there is more to it.  It is peaceful.  This has happened to me before, and now that I think, it has most of the time been either  Robi Thakur or a Baul song, or the Bhajans of Lord krishna.

This song talks about Shyam too. The singer, Parvathy Baul, sings about, how it would be wise to keep the love we have for Shyam, in our heart. Locked and hidden. She represents the love for him in various forms and shows us that it is not always necessary to tell the world that you love someone as great as Krishna. Few people can understand the greatness of love after all. So it is not really worth it.

It is rare that I come across good music today. They don’t make it any more, I guess.  I remember, my brother and I grew up listening Abba and Harry Belafonte and Robi Thakur.  Our teenage years went by listening to Jim reeves, Pete Seeger, Beatles, Bob Dylan and Robi Thakur.  Now we listen to Cohen, Nina Simon, lots of Baul and Robi Thakur. Yes, that wise old man was with us through out. You just can’t do without him. He has written for every mood. He helps you get through tough times. He helps you be happier in your happy days and most importantly, he makes you think.

Kids today grow up listening to terribly disturbing songs like lungi dance and Balam pichkari and Fevicol and Sheila ki Jawani and Munni. They are made to believe that music is all about showing flat (or not so flat stomachs)and hip shaking dances. It is all about sexual innuendoes and all about ear splitting noise. I wonder, if their parents’ ever listened to any good music when they grew up, or did they decide to forget everything and call this cacophony music. I wonder.  The absence of good music makes me sad, but I guess it takes a little effort to find out such hidden gems as Parvathy Baul and Anushesh Adil and the likes. And I must say, listening to them is worth the effort.


Unknown said...

Music for me is strumming chords on my guitar!!! You may have heard me playing random songs... But believe me didi.. im the happiest when i play " ganer opare" and "purano shei diner kotha"... Again that wise old guy Robi thakur!!! Hats off to him!!!!

Suvro Chatterjee said...

Do look up my post titled 'Ah, music!', Sriranjani. I put up a small selection of my favourites there. Matching tastes in music help people a great deal to empathize with one another. And it's good to see civilized tastes in young people. Not a very common thing.

As for what passes for music among the young and trendy set these days, the less said the better. I once heard Guru Birju Maharaj calling it 'bhoot naach', and I couldn't agree more... put hardly- there clothes in outlandish tastes, raunchy or puerile lyrics, a fast beat, wild hip swinging and very loud discordant noises together, and you get that sort of stuff. Little militates more strongly against both sanity and civilization.

Baul music, like other good and vintage stuff will last, while all barbarisms will go down the trash chute of history, no matter how much money they make for a while. That's the best people like us can expect. Remind me to share some more favourites with you next time you are here.


Sriranjani said...

I did read your post, and thanks for sharing the soulful pieces. I am glad that we do share and enjoy almost the same taste.

I couldn't help agreeeing with you too. Guru Birju Maharaj was absolutely right, when he called contemporary dance and music to be "Bhoot Naach." I remember you telling me how today, sensuality is portrayed by bestiality.

I hope and pray that Baul music among many other good things remain for a long long time to come, so that I can retain my peace of mind and get through difficult days... Some might wrinkle their nose and call me "old fashioned and backdated", but then who cares?!