Monday 27 January 2014

Of Love and Other Things

Why do we fall in love? Do people look for the heart or is it just the carnal need? What exactly is LOVE? Well I have been musing over this for a long time now. Youths:  teenagers claim to love each other. What do they actually mean by that? Is love all about holding hands, taking tours of all the malls possible and telling each other like 48 times in the 24 hours, how much they love?

But then what? What happens next? They get married after staying “in love” for 10 years and then the love disappears like the morning mist. So that brings me back to the question, “what was all that love about?” is it just a pretence? Is it just another way to keep oneself occupied? Or is it that the person I was “going out” with for 10 years suddenly changed when I started living with him?

I have often wondered what makes us fall in love, and I have been told that unlike animals, we humans look for things more than sex in our partner.  But if that is true, then why does one dress up? Why is one coy? Why does one want to smell good? Why does the 14 year old try his utmost best to hide the awkwardness in his voice?  Why does one try so hard to impress the other? And when the other likes these attributes, we call it “turn ons”.

Why do we need these special attributes to express our sexual urges? Are we too ashamed to say it out loud? Or are we scared that we will be misunderstood as complete sex maniacs?

There are two extreme ideas about sex. One group wants to believe that sex is something very bad and shouldn't be spoken about. Another group however is obsessed with sex and can’t think about anything else. But I will tell you what is amusing. To observe the people who have both the extreme ideas packed together in their heads.

They are the most interesting of all. They are obviously a sad case to study, but they are the best example of self-contradictions. On the one hand they can’t help but think only about sex, and on the other hand they scold themselves for thinking that way.  Who are they trying to convince? Themselves?

 “Loving someone” is a lost story nowadays I guess. It all comes down to one thing: getting married, reproducing, getting bored, and getting divorced. What would human beings do without procreation? To stay in love for a long long time, without procreation, one has to pay the price. Romantic dinners, costly gifts. Diamonds and shoes and what not.

Love now means looking at the bright future. otherwise it is a lost cause. A wasted effort. I have heard, girls fall in love after looking at the car the boy owns. They don’t look for the heart any longer. They look for a bright future. The rest will, they say, fall in place.

It is when I muse and ramble and think aloud like this, that I feel that knotted pain in my chest.  The “what ifs” come back to me. What if I was born in another generation, another time, when the attitude towards sex was healthy and love meant doing something for the person I love. Love meant searching for the heart. Love meant talking and listening. Love meant just sitting beside each other and being comfortable. Love meant, bringing out the best in each other.  Love meant longing for your love… feeling the desire to find happiness in making another human being happy.

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